Anti-Black Racism & Black Inclusion Advisory Committee
Composition and Membership
The group shall be composed of 10 members appointed by the Vice -President and Principal to represent faculty, staff, students, and the external community, and 7 ex -officio members. In appointing members to the committee, the Vice-President and Principal will consider the need to ensure balanced representation of key constituencies and communities. The membership shall be as follows:
Appointed Members:
- 2 self-identified Black students
- 2 self-identified Black faculty members
- 2 self-identified Black staff members
- 1 executive member of UTSC’s branch of the Connections and Conversations group
- 1 member of the Chairs and Academic Directors (CAD) group
- 1 member from a Black-led community organization with a focus on education
- 1 Black UTSC/UofT alumnus
Tenure of Appointed Members:
Student members shall serve one-year renewable terms while other members shall serve two-year renewable terms.
Ex-Offico Members:
- Vice President & Principal
- Director, Human Resources
- Dean, Student Experience & Wellbeing
- Vice-Principal Academic and Dean
- Director, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Office
- Registrar and Assistant Dean Enrolment Management
- Chief Administrative Officer
Individuals and groups may be invited to provide specialized expertise and/or attend meetings for background briefings as appropriate. Ad Hoc or Sub-Committees may be formed to address/advise on specific projects or issues related to the purpose of the Anti-Black Racism working group. These advisory groups will try to ensure that all stakeholders are adequately represented when forming such groups.
The committee shall have two co-chairs, a staff member and a faculty member, who are not members of the UTSC Executive Team. They shall be appointed by the Vice -President and Principal, following appropriate consultations. Co-chairs shall be appointed for one-year renewable terms.
Frequency of Meetings and Administrative Support
The working group will normally meet twice in each of the Fall and Winter terms and once in the Summer term. The co-Chairs may call addition meetings as necessary.
The committee’s work will be supported by a secretary assigned by the Office of the Vice -President and Principal or the UTSC Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Office.