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UTSC Truth, Reconciliation and Indigenous Initiatives Advisory Committee



The mandate of the UofT Scarborough Truth, Reconciliation, and Indigenous Initiatives Advisory Committee (TRIIAC) is to serve as an advisory body to the Vice-President and Principal and the campus’ Executive Team as they undertake initiatives to uphold, sustain, and strengthen UTSC’s strategic priorities and objectives with respect to promoting, supporting and enhancing Indigenous presence in all facets of our mission.

The committee is tasked with guiding the leadership team in its efforts to steward the implementation of relevant strategies and initiatives across the campus, in alignment with the recommendations from Answering the Call – Wecheehetowin and Inspiring Inclusive Excellence. It will assist the leadership in ensuring that our commitment to intimately embed Indigenization into our academic pursuits and the daily experiences of our campus is approached in a manner that is coordinated, efficient and effective to meet our objectives.

Furthermore, the committee will help to develop engagement frameworks that enable our teaching, learning, research, and outreach activities to be undertaken per Indigenous protocols, and in a manner that promotes mutual respect, reciprocal partnerships with local and other communities, and equitable outcomes.

Members, individually and collectively, have a responsibility to notify the Executive Team about matters and activities within the community that may impact UTSC’s mission and to make related recommendations for consideration.

The committee may choose to invite guests with relevant insights and expertise to its meetings to assist in deliberations. These may include Elders, Knowledge Keepers, community leaders, members of the Executive Team, UTSC/UofT faculty, staff and students, external professionals, and scholars.

The committee may, if it deems it necessary, establish a sub-committee of members or an ad hoc committee, which may include non-members, for specific activities related to its mandate.