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REDress Awareness Week

The REDress Project was created by Jamie Black, Metis Artist. The hanging of empty Red Dresses in public spaces is representative of the loss of many thousands of Indigenous women, girls, two-spirt, lesbian, gay, trans, bisexual, queer, questioning, intersex and asexual (LGBTQIA2S+) due to colonial violence. To learn more about the artist, Jamie Black and the REDress Project visit The REDress Project – Jaime Black

Community at the University of Toronto Scarborough are invited to join us in learning and reflecting with a series of events including the displaying of Red Dresses in the Meeting Place for the week of Feb 3-10. This symbolism is designed to raise awareness and learning of the crisis of murdered and missing Indigenous people at UTSC and all of Canada. This project was organized by the Office of Indigenous Initiatives and the Athletics and Recreation to align with Women’s Memorial March’s that occurs annually in various communities and cities across the country, including Toronto on February 14. Learn more here

MMIWG2S+ Final Report

These activities encourage the campus community at UTSC, and all Canadians to learn about the crisis of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, and Two-Spirit (MMIWG2s+) epidemic by reading the National Inquiry’s Final Report, “Reclaiming Power and Place” released on June 3, 2019. The Report provides insights into the human rights violations and the systemic violence endured by Indigenous women, girls, and 2SLGBTQ+ peoples’ in Canada. The Report calls for transformative calls to action and justice in government, legal system, social services, and other Canadian colonial institutions.  

Read the Final Report

University of Toronto Scarborough Events for REDress Awareness Week

REDress Display

February 3-10 

All Day 

Location: Meeting Place 

Tables for Education Awareness

Find education and facts of the REDress Project, and MMIWG and 2SLGBTQ+ 

February 3 & 5 


BV Hallway 

Gathering in Reflection

Join us for a Reflective Walk on the Ma-Moosh-Ka-Win Valley trail with a Sacred Fire by the Residence Firepit. Hot chocolate and snacks will be provided. 

February 11 


Location: Valley Trail & Residence Firepit  

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Waneek Horn-Miller: An Inspiring Indigenous Role Model

Join us in welcoming Olympic athlete Waneek Horn-Miller

February 13  

2:30-5:30pm In person for community meal gathering, talk, and debrief

4-5pm if Virtual only 

Location: Zoom or Catalyst Centre (in-person) 

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Independent Learning Resources


Reclaiming Power and Place: The Final Report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls , National Inquiry Into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls

Ending the critical situation of violence, disappearance, and murder of First Nations women, girls, and gender-diverse people, Assembly of First Nations

Fact Sheet: Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, Native Women's Association of Canada

Missing and murdered, CBC podcast, hosted by Connie Walker, Cree (2 seasons) 

Protect Indigenous women, All My Relations (Podcast, 01:36:23)  

Protect our future daughters, directed by Maryanne Junta and Helena Lewis (Documentary, 00:05:46)  

Taken:The Podcast 10-episode podcast in Cree and English, hosted by Lisa Meeches (Anishinaabe from Long Plain First Nation)  

Walking the Urban Path to MMIWG2S+ Action Plan Implementation (YouTube, 01:33:22) 

Women's Memorial March

Women's Memorial March Across Canada, Moosehide Campaign

Women's Memorial March, Canadian Encyclopedia

Toronto ceremony honours Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, City News (YouTube 00:01:58)

REDress Project

The REDress Project, Métis Artist Jaime Black

The REDress Project, Métis Artist Jaime Black (YouTube, 00:02:39) 

REDress Art Installation Comes to U of T, U of T News